Editing and Proofreading/Quality Control Services


I offer a full range of editing and proofreading services for businesses.
Editing/Copy Editing Services include:
* Checking your writing for spelling, grammar, punctuation and other issues.
* Checking against supplied style guides.
* Checking layout and formatting.
* Checking cross reference citations.
* Polish and improve language and flow (if required).

Proofreading/Quality Control Services. My proofreading/QC services are suitable for documents that have already undergone a thorough edit. I'll check your final proofs for:
* Minor grammatical and spelling errors, and
* Minor formatting and layout issues.

I have worked on many sensitive documents and assure clients of the strictest confidentiality. Clients may provide non disclosure agreements for signature.

User Reputation
  • Name Chris Van Zyl
  • From South Africa
  • Joined Apr 2nd, 2020
  • Last Online 313 days ago
  • Total Sales 0
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Job Details
  • Micro Job ID #1813
  • Will deliver in 1
  • Job Sold 0
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